Существует ли дружба между мужчиной и женщиной?
Да, если у обоих есть вторые половинки! Но чаще получается что один из друзей испытывает чувства больше чем "дружба". А вообще правильно сказано: "Дружба дружбой, но презерватив не забудь!"

15 апр 2011 в 15:59

Most my close friends are female my are very cool and pretty girls my two best friends and I met because we liked each other and started dating so we had a relationship before we ended up best friends . When a guy becomes friends first and then likes you more, well that it must mean your hot ;) Since most men are pigs I imagine that is the problem . They all become attracted to you and then get weird and jealous, yeah ? All my friends boyfriends and even husbands are suspicious and insecure their girl has me as a close friends . It's so stupid to think that if opposite sexes are good friends that they must be sleeping with each other . I say no we don't and that's why we are still friends ;)
9 окт 2021 в 0:19
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